What are Workshops?
Come learn more about common mental health concerns and engage in meaningful change. In each workshop, you will learn tangible coping skills and strategies to take home and try out. Reduce your stress, learn to mindfully relax, develop self-care strategies and find ways to increase social connection.
- For more information on workshops in the current semester (listed below) and to join a workshop, send an email to our Groups & Workshops Coordinator at sccgroups@utdallas.edu.
- If you’d like to see the flyers for our workshops as well as a barcode to scan for a quick and easy path to more information and/or registration, check them out here:
Single-Page Flyer – ALL Workshops – Spring 2025
ALL Groups & Workshops Flyers – Spring 2025 - For info about our regular workshops as well as one-time live workshops and other upcoming events, follow us on Instagram or check out the Comet Calendar (filter for Health & Wellness events).
- For general interest/info about workshops, info about future offerings, or to suggest something you’d like to see us offer, please fill out our Groups & Workshops Interest form.
- If you are interested in longer-term processing, support, or skills-based therapy groups, please visit our Groups page.

Advanced Workshops
Want to learn more about common mental health concerns like anxiety or depression? Searching for helpful strategies to maintain mental wellness? Our advanced workshops may be for you! An advanced workshop is a multi-week series where we teach background information about common mental health concerns, describe how certain symptoms can be triggered, and provide tangible ways to cope with these symptoms. These workshops are offered monthly, but spots are limited. You may choose to attend part or all of each workshop, as your schedule allows. Contact our office to get enrolled today.
For our workshops, if you are not a current or recent client of the SCC, please follow this link to complete the Groups & Workshops brief intake to get started and note your interest in group therapy. You’ll fill out a few forms with basic information for contact and data-collecting purposes only, and the Groups & Workshops Coordinator will reach out to you with the link or additional info to join the workshop.
If you are a current or recent client of the SCC, reach out to our Groups & Workshops Coordinator at sccgroups@utdallas.edu to get a link or additional info to join the workshop.
Spring 2025 Offerings
Getting Unstuck from Depression
Workbook: Getting Unstuck (pdf)
Group Facilitator: Beverly Williams (she/her/hers)
3 weeks
Location: Virtual Workshop via Microsoft Teams
Session Choices:
GU#1 2/6, 2/13, and 2/20 – Thursdays 10-10:50pm
GU#2 2/28, 3/7, and 3/14 Fridays 11-11:50am
GU#3 4/2, 4/9, 4/16 – Wednesdays 9-9:50am
A three-session workshop to help increase your understanding and knowledge about depression. Sessions focus on:
- Understanding depression
- Exploring how thoughts and behaviors impact depression, and
- Learning and practicing coping strategies to better manage depression.
Anxiety Toolbox
Workbook: Anxiety Toolbox (pdf)
Facilitator: Jenn Rubalcaba (she/her)
3 weeks
Location: Virtual Workshop via Microsoft Teams
Session Choices:
AT#1 – 2/4, 2/11, 2/18 Tuesdays 3:30 – 4:20pm
AT#2 – 2/28, 3/7, 3/14 Fridays 11-11:50am
AT#3 – 3/24, 3/31, 4/7 Mondays 10-10:50am
A three-session workshop designed for people struggling with a variety of anxiety-related concerns. Sessions cover:
- Understanding what anxiety is and how it impacts us,
- Exploring how thoughts and behaviors affect anxiety, and
- Developing strategies to better cope with anxiety.
Building Relationship Intimacy and Dialogue Effectiveness (BRIDGE)
Workbook: BRIDGE (pdf)
3 weeks
Location: Virtual Workshop via Microsoft Teams
Facilitator: Camisha Kibble (she/they)
Session Choices:
BRIDGE#1 – 2/10, 2/17, 2/24 Mondays 1-1:50pm
BRIDGE#2 – 3/24, 3/31, 4/7 Mondays 11-11:50am
BRIDGE#3 – 4/17, 4/24, 5/1 Thursdays 11-11:50am
BRIDGE is a three-week workshop that teaches ways to create thriving relationships. Attendees will learn:
- Ways to better understand needs and boundaries in relationships,
- Strategies to effectively communicate with others, and
- Common sources of conflict and useful conflict management skills.
Relationship Roadmap
Gottman 7 Principles Relationship Workshop Series
7 weeks
Fridays 3-4:30pm, 2/21-4/11 (skip 3/21 for Spring Break)
Location: Hybrid – SSB 4.600 in person and virtual via Microsoft Teams
Facilitators: Rachel Innerarity (she/her) & Cara Guziak (she/her)
This 7-week hybrid in-person and virtual workshop is designed for college students looking to strengthen their romantic relationships. Based on Dr. John Gottman’s The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work, the workshop offers practical tools and evidence-based strategies tailored to the unique challenges faced in the context of college relationships. Each week, participants will explore a principle and learn skills to improve communication, manage conflict, build trust, and deepen connection—all in an engaging and supportive environment.
Whether you’re dating, engaged, in a long-term partnership, or looking to build important relationship skills for the future, this workshop provides a solid foundation for creating a healthy and lasting relationship during your college years and beyond. This workshop is affirming and inclusive of all types of relationships, LGBTQ+, and polyamory. People in relationships are welcome to attend together!
Regular Offerings
Look out for these to be offered in future semesters! Reach out to sccgroups@utdallas.edu for more information.
Gender Prism: Trans and Gender Diverse Resilience
Gender Prism is a three-week workshop designed for growing resilience in a world of hetero- & cisgender-normativity. Sessions cover:
- Understanding and responding to negative messaging and microaggressions,
- Exploring self-esteem and challenging your inner critic, and
- Developing strategies for assertiveness and self-confidence.
Mid-Week Mindfulness
An eight-session workshop to teach basic principles and practices in mindfulness as well as how mindfulness strategies can be helpful in managing stress, worry, anxiety, depression, perfectionism, peak performance, and increased enjoyment of life. Sessions cover:
- Introduction to Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction
- Simple Awareness
- Attention & The Brain
- Dealing with Thoughts
- Responding vs Reacting
- Difficult Emotions
- Mindful Communication & Mindful Compassion
CBT-I (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia)
A six-week workshop to learn to manage your sleep better using a Cognitive-Behavioral Approach.
- Learn how thoughts and behaviors can impact sleep quality
- Find new ways to think about your sleep
- Improve behaviors around sleeping
- Find a better night’s rest!
Morning Mindfulness
A weekly workshop to introduce, explore, and practice mindfulness as well as how mindfulness strategies can be helpful in managing stress, worry, anxiety, depression, perfectionism, peak performance, and increased enjoyment of life.
Visit our Workshop Library
The SCC YouTube page currently has a library of more than 10 pre-recorded workshops, with more to come. Watch at your own pace in the leisure of your home. Current workshops include:
- Mindfulness: How to Use it During a Pandemic
- Distress Tolerance During Uncertainty
- Time Management for College Students
- International Student Support Webinar
- Common Reactions to Acute Stress During the Time of COVID-19
- #UTDAloneTogether: Going Home for the Semester
- Sleep and Self Care
- Recovery in Quarantine
- Stress Management and Coping During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Stress Less Workshop w/Career Center
To ask questions about accessibility or request accommodations for workshops, please email us.