How to Make a Referral

Make a Referral for Psychological Services at SCC

  • If you feel that the student is in crisis, call the Student Counseling Center at 972-883-2575 or have the student call from your office. State it is an “emergency” to be connected directly to a counselor. If appropriate the student will be scheduled for a crisis appointment that day.
  • If student is upset and confused wait until the student has calmed down enough to be able to converse and respond to your suggestion.
  • Suggest in a caring, supportive manner that the student may benefit from meeting with a counselor at the Student Counseling Center, counseling is free to currently registered full or part time students.
  • Give the student the Student Counseling Center phone number, 972-883-2575, and encourage them to call or call from your office with them.

Additional factors when considering making a referral:

  • It is outside of your range of knowledge.
  • It will compromise or change the status of your relationship with the student (e.g. a student asking for money, a place to live, contacting you at home if in a crisis).
  • The student feels uncomfortable talking to you about a problem.
  • When your assistance and support provided does not address the problem effectively.
  • When personality differences or conflicts cannot be resolved and would interfere with the help you might provide.
  • You feel overwhelmed, overly responsible for, and worried about the personal safety of the student.

Faculty and staff — for personal help, contact the Employee Assistance Program (EAP).

Initial Appointment Process for Referrals

Students will complete intake paperwork. If determined to be an emergency, they will be seen the same day. If it is not an emergency, they will be scheduled an intake appointment usually within one week. Options assessed and given at the first session may include:

  • Individual or group therapy
  • Medical evaluation referral
  • Substance abuse evaluation
  • Referral to community resource
  • Psychiatric emergency room evaluation


Ethical and legal rules of Confidentiality are followed by all Counseling Center staff and they cannot reveal if a student is receiving services without written consent by the student. If written consent is given only initial attendance will be provided, further information would need to be determined by the student. Confidentiality is broken if there is a determination of imminent threat to self or others and the appropriate medical or legal authorities will be notified.